![]() TL;DR - Lots of reading, not a lot of beer, or much else for that matter. Book - Rosewater: During one of my walk-around-while-on-a-call sessions a few weeks ago, I stopped by the downtown Coles and saw an intriguing book called "Rosewater" by Tade Thompson. I picked up a copy from EPL a few days later, and was hooked immediately. First-person, timeline shifting, science fantasy, with interesting characters. Really good stuff. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had supported a number of Kickstarter initiatives. One of them was an Afro-centric role-playing supplement called Swordsfall, which stands out in stark contrast to the typical medieval Euro-centric campaigns. With that in my thoughts as I read Rosewater, which is set in Nigeria, I realized how little African references I have. The names, places, idioms, and references were foreign to me. This was a good reminder of the need to push oneself to gain different perspectives and opinions. Which brings me to my next point: A solid percentage of the items that show up in this blog come from Warren Ellis and his weekly newsletter. This quote came from that newsletter: I've said this to you before, and I'll say it again: always be checking your practice. Times change and so do you. ![]() New music - Contemporary Protest Music: Again from the files of a certain Warren Ellis, the four tracks linked here come from one of Ellis's weekly newsletters. This is not background music to chill to. These four songs are made to motivate and inspire, and to push the listener to action. The long version of the track names leave no doubt as to the artist's political position. For example, "The greatest trick the Tories ever pulled was convincing working class British voters, who feel left behind, to blame the EU & immigrants for their troubles while also convincing them to continue voting for the very party actually responsible." ![]() The uselessness of precedents in the face of radical change: In my endless pile of books with the "Currently Reading" status is "A World Lit Only By Fire" by William Manchester, a book I purchased in the mid 90s and am only now reading. It covers the history and shift in focus as Europe moved from medieval times to the Renaissance. Early in the book, Manchester provides a quote that perfectly captures the issues with using the past as a guide for the future in the face of enormous change: Even the wisest of them were at a hopeless disadvantage, for their only guide in sorting it all out - the only guide anyone ever has - was the past, and precedents are worse than useless when facing something entirely new. Interlude, courtesy of "Cuckoo's Calling": Wisdom from the Dojang: The fine folks at Elite Taekwondo provide this valuable advice in their most recent newsletter.
New words:
Lots of reading this week, so lots of new words as a result. (I sometimes feel so illiterate. I should have known many of these, since they weren't really "new".) ves·tig·i·al [veˈstij(ē)əl] ADJECTIVE
vi·tu·per·a·tive [vīˈt(y)o͞opəˌrādiv, vəˈt(y)o͞op(ə)rədiv] ADJECTIVE
myth·o·ma·ni·a [ˌmiTHəˈmānēə] NOUN
Bac·cha·na·li·a [ˌbakəˈnālyə] NOUN
pen·u·ry [ˈpenyərē] NOUN
plan·gent [ˈplanjənt] ADJECTIVE literary
lep·o·rine [ˈlepərīn, ˈlepərin] ADJECTIVE
des·ul·to·ry [ˈdesəlˌtôrē] ADJECTIVE
po·grom [ˈpōɡrəm, pəˈɡräm] NOUN
ca·tab·o·lism [kəˈtabəˌlizəm] NOUN biology
fet·ter [ˈfedər] NOUN
ruc·tion [ˈrəkSHən] NOUN informal
er·satz [ˈerˌzäts, ˈerˌsäts] ADJECTIVE
mor·dant [ˈmôrdnt] ADJECTIVE
fe·tor [ˈfēdər] NOUN
tu·mes·cent [t(y)o͞oˈmes(ə)nt] ADJECTIVE
guile [ɡīl] NOUN
con·ur·ba·tion [ˌkänərˈbāSH(ə)n] NOUN
shrive [SHrīv] VERB archaic
in·e·luc·ta·ble [ˌinəˈləktəb(ə)l] ADJECTIVE
u·su·ry [ˈyo͞oZH(ə)rē] NOUN
im·pu·dic·i·ty [ˌimpyəˈdisədē] NOUN formal
bant·ling [ˈbantliNG] NOUN archaic
vi·ti·ate [ˈviSHēˌāt] VERB
don·jon [ˈdänjən, ˈdənjən] NOUN
a·lac·ri·ty [əˈlakrədē] NOUN
rec·on·dite [ˈrekənˌdīt, rəˈkänˌdīt] ADJECTIVE
es·cu·lent [ˈeskyələnt] ADJECTIVE
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April 2022